
Biotechnology: Research achievements honoured

Verena Bindlechner, graduate of the Medical and Pharmaceutical Biotechnology master degree programme at IMC Krems, was awarded the "Krems Cooperation Research Award" for her special research achievements.

Photo at the award ceremony
Verena Bindlechner (centre) convinced an international jury of experts with her master thesis and was rewarded with a winner's cheque worth 1,500 euros. Harald Leiter, supervisor of the master thesis Rita Seeböck, Head of the Institute of Biotechnology Harald Hundsberger and Claus Zeppelzauer congratulated. © PHOTO SIMONIS

In her master thesis, Verena Bindlechner characterised specific biomarkers at the genetic level that play an important role in the diagnosis of lung cancer. The young researcher received the award from DI Dr. Harald Leiter, Technopol Manager Krems ecoplus, which was announced in 2021 and now comes with 1,500 euros in prize money.

About the Krems Cooperation Research Award

The Krems Cooperation Research Award is announced every two years at the Technopol Krems and honours the work of young scientists in the field of life sciences and health technologies in the categories bachelor, master, dissertations and scientific publications. The next call for proposals will take place next year in 2023. The Krems Cooperation Research Award is organised by "ecoplus. Niederösterreichs Wirtschaftsagentur GmbH" and is intended to encourage young researchers in the life science sector to make a scientific mark in the fields of pharmaceutical/medical (bio)technology, regenerative medicine or clinical medicine (new therapeutic or diagnostic procedures).