
Creativity meets business

Sophie Degn is studying Marketing at IMC Krems and is convinced by her studies. She was particularly taken with the specialisation in Fashion and Lifestyle Marketing and the practical approach of the programme. In the interview, she talks about what was important to her when she chose her degree programme.

Portrait of Sophie Degn
"I especially like the fact that I can combine my creativity with my business education," Sophie Degn says about the master degree programme Marketing. She also enriches the IMC Krems TikTok channel with her creativity.

Why did you choose the master programme in Marketing at IMC Krems? What were your goals in doing so?

I already completed my bachelor degree in Export-oriented Management at IMC Krems and was very satisfied with the quality of the programme. Above all, the practical relevance was valuable for me.
I decided to do the master in Marketing here in Krems because I am very interested in the course content and especially because there is the possibility to choose a specialisation. I am very interested in fashion and lifestyle and can well imagine working in this field after graduation. Therefore, the possibility of this specialisation ultimately convinced me of this master programme.

What were/are special highlights during your studies?

Since the classes are taught in English, we have many international students in the programme. I appreciate this internationality very much, because the most diverse nations really come together here, we learn from each other and also a lot about other cultures. But above all, the practical relevance is a special feature for me. Since numerous lecturers are employed part-time at the university, many have their own companies and bring professional experience as well as regular examples from their everyday professional lives. In addition, valuable tips for our professional future are part of my daily study routine. In the “case studies” during our studies, we apply the theory directly ourselves. This is a sustainable learning experience and avoids stubborn memorisation.

What do you benefit from?

The courses correspond exactly to my interests and I therefore enjoy going to the lectures and am eager to write my master thesis. I am happy to learn more. For me personally, it is very helpful to realise that I want to work in this field in the future but not have to commit myself yet. There are so many different interesting professions in the field of marketing - both nationally and internationally. I can also use the know-how I learned very well in my current job at IMC Krems. I am currently working as a student assistant in Human Resources for IMC Krems and I also get to work with creative programmes like Canva and InDesign and improve my skills. In addition, I support the marketing team in the area of TikTok and am one of the channel faces of IMC Krems.
By completing my Practical Training Semester and Exchange Semester in Lisbon, I was able to improve my language skills in addition to my professional and student experiences.

What tips do you have for subsequent students?

In my opinion, it is important to listen to yourself and consider: What are my interests? You should choose a master programme according to these criteria and not according to what others say is most promising. For me, it was also very helpful in my decision-making process to read the curriculum carefully. The title of a master programme alone often says little about the content of the programme. A master in Marketing at one university can be very different from a master in Marketing at another university.

How are you doing in your studies right now?

I am currently in the second semester of my studies and so far I am very happy with my choice of studies. I particularly like the fact that I can combine my creativity with my business education. Based on my studies, I am confident that I will find my way and a position that matches my interests and expectations.