
Enthusiasm until the sparks fly

Simone Brodesser is 21 years old and lives in the district of Waidhofen/Thaya in the Waldviertel. After having graduated from high school, she took over the management of a cultural and educational institution with a focus on adult education. Since November last year, she has been responsible for tourism and event marketing at SONNENTOR and at the beginning of this year she also took the plunge into self-employment and has since been working as a part-time event moderator. In doing so, she wants to get the best out of every event, inspire people and enthuse them until the sparks fly.

Portrait of Simone Brodesser
Simone Brodesser studies Tourism and Leisure Management, works in tourism and event marketing and is a part-time event moderator. Photo credit: © Matthias Ledwinka

Dear Ms Brodesser, what else should people know about you?

I have been playing the piano for 13 years, took lessons in the music school subject "church organ" for two years and have regularly taken part in concerts. I also play theatre in the amateur dramatics group Karlstein, am a member of the Dobersberg tennis club, was a member of the Dobersberg folk dance group and was head girl at school in Waidhofen, which enabled me to acquire a certain stage confidence.

Why did you decide to study at IMC Krems? Why the Tourism and Leisure Management part-time bachelor degree programme?

I chose IMC Krems because of the international orientation, the interesting lecturers and the high quality of the Tourism and Leisure Management bachelor programme and I have absolutely no regrets. My favourite course was Marketing, which is why I decided to write my bachelor thesis in this area as well.

What have been the highlights during your studies so far?

Since the first two semesters were mostly completed online due to the pandemic, the highlight of my studies so far was definitely our visit to Athens in the 4th semester.

What do you like most about the programme?

I find all the contents that fall into the areas of marketing and events particularly exciting. Due to my lack of experience at the reception desk or in the classic hotel industry, all contents in the 4th semester, such as "Multichannel Distribution Systems", "Transportation" or "Tourism Intermediaries" were also very interesting. It's also nice that I can improve my knowledge of French in the course of my studies.

What is special about IMC Krems?

Definitely my fellow students. Especially in our part-time degree programme, there are so many exciting personalities from the most diverse fields. Thanks to our good community and the feeling of being "in the same boat", we all support each other.

Why does studying pay off, apart from the acquisition of knowledge?

Definitely because of the friendships and the many interpersonal experiences. I myself have also grown enormously from the challenges that studying part-time brings with it.

What are your plans after graduation?

I would like to complete another master programme. Additional training such as the School of Speech would also interest me. In any case, I am curious to see where the journey will take me. With my studies at IMC Krems, I am definitely prepared for the future.

What tip can you pass on to those who are interested in the Tourism and Leisure Management bachelor degree programme at IMC Krems?

I was able to get in touch with students and graduates via the Facebook group "IMC FH Krems – Ask a Student" and clarify open questions there. That helped me a lot in my decision-making process.