
First Bachelor Exams and Graduation in Tashkent

From 5-7 July 2022 the Bachelor Exams in the two IMC transnational programmes Tourism and Leisure Management as well as Export-oriented Management took place.

Graduation ceremony in Tashkent
In Tashkent, the graduates of the transnational IMC degree programmes Tourism and Leisure Management and Export-oriented Management celebrated at their graduation ceremony.

Both programmes had started three years ago, and therefore those were the Bachelor Exams of the two very first cohorts, and truly exciting not only for the students, but also for programme directors, lecturers and staff members from both the IMC and our partner institution Tashkent State University of Economics. In the end the outcome of the exams was very good, and all the hard work of everybody really paid off. From the IMC the exams were conducted by Dr.rer.pol. Tanja Ihden, B.Sc., M.A., Prof.(FH) Jens Peter Ennen, MSc and Prof.(FH) Mag. Dr. Christian Kümmel, and the graduation was also attended by Prof.(FH) Dr. Karl Ennsfellner, CEO of IMC Krems. In total there were 40 graduates (15 in Tourism and 25 in Export), and the day was celebrated in the evening with a DJ party and a huge IMC cake. Congratulations to all graduates, you did a great job!