
Honours for teachers and researchers

The awarding of functional and honorary titles is one of the highlights of the academic year at IMC University of Applied Sciences Krems. In 2022, 32 people were honoured.

Group portrait
Enjoyed the festive atmosphere at the title ceremony: Chairman and the founder of IMC Krems Dr. h.c. Mag. Heinz Boyer, Academic Head Prof.(FH) Mag. Dr. Martin Waiguny, honoured "Professor at Universities of Applied Sciences" - Prof.(FH) Barbara Prinz-Buchberger, MSc, honoured "Professor at Universities of Applied Sciences" - Prof.(FH) Mag. Marlies Sobotka, President of the National Council Mag. Wolfgang Sobotka, holder of the honorary title of "Honorary Professor" - Hon.Prof.(FH) Friedrich Reichhart, MSc and CEO of IMC Krems Mag. Ulrike Prommer

In a ceremonial act, IMC Krems awarded functional and honorary titles on 1 July 2022. These honours recognise outstanding achievements in academia and research.

Great commitment

The managing directors of IMC Krems, Mag. Ulrike Prommer and Prof.(FH) Dr. Karl Ennsfellner, are pleased with the long list of honours that were presented on 1 July at the Krems campus. “The awarding of the functional and honorary titles is an expression of appreciation for the special achievements of our teachers and researchers and makes them visible. With their extraordinary commitment, they all shape the position and academic orientation of our University of Applied Sciences,” says Prommer. “The high quality of teaching and research is the guarantee for the success of our University of Applied Sciences,” adds Ennsfellner.

Prof.(FH) Mag. Dr. Martin Waiguny, Academic Head, also sees the awarding of the titles as “proof of the excellence of our teaching and research” and adds: “This strengthens one of the pillars for the success of IMC Krems – our teaching staff – so that our educational mission can be fulfilled.” His deputy, Prof.(FH) Mag.(FH) Dr. Manfred Pferzinger, Head of the Institute of Health Management, agrees: “The titles are visible signs of the achievements.”

This year, teachers who were not awarded last year due to the corona pandemic will also be honoured. They have been allowed to use the title since last year. The following teachers were honoured in front of a distinguished audience:

Fellow of IMC Krems

The honorary title “Fellow of IMC Krems” is awarded to persons who support the development and/or establishment and supervision and/or advancement of the study programmes and research fields of IMC Krems. The honorary title was awarded to:

OStR. Prof. Mag. Dr. Manfred Kerschbaumer (already last year)
Ing. Andreas Semmelweiß, MA, MSc (already last year)
Dr. Ralph Peter Theuer, MBA (already last year)
Barbara Weiser, MA, MSc (already last year)

Honorary professors

Holders of the honorary title of “Honorary Professor” actively teach and/or conduct research in a degree programme at IMC FH Krems. The honorary title was awarded to:

Hon.Prof.(FH) Mag. Christopher Hanacek-Schubert MAS MAIS
Hon.Prof.(FH) Christoph Hoffinger, MA (already last year)
Hon.Prof.(FH) Mag.iur. Sascha Jung, LL.M. (already last year)
Hon.Prof.(FH) Beate Krenek, MSc MEd.
Hon.Prof.(FH) Univ.-Prof. Wolfgang Mikulits, PhD
Hon.Prof.(FH) Dr. Klaus Pfatschbacher (already last year)
Hon.Prof.(FH) Friedrich Reichhart, MSc
Hon.Prof.(FH) Mag. Stefan Schilcher
Hon.Prof.(FH) Frank Schmidt, PhD
Hon.Prof.(FH) Assoc. Prof. Dr. nat. techn. Oliver Spadiut
Hon.Prof.(FH) Mag.(FH) Claudia Werba, MA
Hon.Prof.(FH) Univ.-Prof. Mag. Dr. Stephan Wittich

Professors at Universities of Applied Sciences

Only persons who are full-time members of the teaching and research staff may use the title “Professor at Universities of Applied Sciences”. For this purpose, they have to meet formal criteria and quality criteria, which primarily refer to successful teaching activities at the university of applied sciences (educational and technical); furthermore, to the proven ability to do scientific work and research or to carry out research projects in the sense of the strategic development of the research areas of IMC Krems. The functional title was awarded to:

Prof.(FH) Dipl.-Ing. Dr. techn. Deepak Dhungana
Prof.(FH) Jens Peter Ennen, MSc
Prof.(FH) Markus Golla, BScN, MScN
Prof.(FH) Dipl.-Ing. Dr. Roger Hage
Prof.(FH) Jessica Janssen, PhD, MSc, BH
Prof.(FH) Mag. Dr. Christian Kümmel
Prof.(FH) Priv.-Doz. Mag. Dr. Markus Latzke
Prof.(FH) Barbara Prinz-Buchberger, MSc
Prof.(FH) Elisabeth Rakos, MSc
Prof.(FH) Priv.-Doz. DI Dr. Uwe Rinner (already last year)
Prof.(FH) Mag. Adelheid Schönthaler, BSc
Prof. (FH) Mag. Marlies Sobotka
Prof.(FH) Iris Zoderer, MA

Professor(FH) emeritus

The Council of the University of Applied Sciences has decided to award the retired title of Professor(FH) emeritus to three colleagues. The honorary title was awarded to:

Prof.(FH)emer. Dr. Franz Piller
Prof.(FH)emer. Dr. Maximilian Schachner
Prof.(FH)emer. Mag. Dr. Otto Weihs

Functional and honorary titles at IMC Krems

The FH degree programme act specifies which functional and honorary titles may be awarded. These are not professional titles. The criteria for awarding them are also laid down in the statutes of the Council of the University of Applied Sciences, which decides on the awarding together with the management. The criteria concern teaching and research, but also further didactic training and special commitment to the further development of the study programmes. Honorary titles are awarded for life, while functional titles are valid for the duration of the function.