
How much does it cost to live in Krems?

Rent, food, public transport: here, we take a look at how much everything costs in Krems. We’ve put together a list of average prices. You can expect to spend about EUR 800-900 per month on living costs, food and additional expenses.

Of course, the actual total can vary depending on where you live, how you choose to furnish your room or apartment, and your other preferences. Your personal needs will influence how much money you actually need.

A student is sitting in the meadow in front of IMC Krems
Rent, food, public transport: here, we take a look at how much everything costs in Krems.

Living in Krems

Your monthly living costs will be the biggest expense that you have to budget for. Prices in Krems are relatively high – especially for rooms and apartments in the town centre. But, if you start looking early, you should be able to find plenty of options.

  • Single room in a student residence: EUR 450-490/month
  • Double room in a student residence: EUR 330-370/month (per person)
  • Single room in a shared apartment: EUR 400-450/month
  • Double room in a shared apartment: EUR 280-300/month (per person)

Tip: try to start looking for a place to live as soon as possible. If you’re interested in a room at a student residence, you should register for a place as soon as possible – ideally before you find out whether you’ve been accepted onto your chosen degree programme.


Cooking for yourself is an easy way to save money. You can find recipes for cheap and simple meals in cookbooks for students or on one of the countless food blogs. You should reckon with expenses of around EUR 250 a month for food. Krems has a wide selection of supermarkets, food stores and discount chains. You can pick up regional produce every Friday at the farmers’ market on Dreifaltigkeitsplatz or at the market on Pfarrplatz on Saturdays.

  • Breakfast (from supermarket): approx. EUR 2.50/day
  • Lunch (supermarket or restaurant): approx. EUR 6-15/day
  • Dinner (supermarket or restaurant): approx. EUR 6-15/day


Krems is part of Verkehrsverbund Ost-Region (Eastern Region Transport Association or VOR), which includes Austrian Federal Railways (ÖBB), Vienna public transport provider Wiener Linien, and Postbus services. VOR offers the KlimaTicket Jugend for young adults as well as monthly passes for students. The cost depends on a number of factors – for more information visit 

  • Train ticket – standard single from Vienna to Krems: approx. EUR 20. You can save about 50% with the Vorteilscard rail pass.
  • Taxis within Krems: approx. EUR 6-10 (one way)
  • Stadtbus – standard single ticket: EUR 2

Course literature and handouts

As a rule of thumb, you can expect to pay between EUR 200 and EUR 500 for course books and literature in your first year. The figure will be lower in later semesters. Of course, the costs for books and other supplies can vary, depending on whether you only buy compulsory literature or whether you also want to get your hands on recommended supplementary reading.

Tuition fee and Austrian National Union of Students (ÖH) membership dues

Currently set at EUR 24.70, you must pay the mandatory ÖH membership dues every semester. This gives you access to a wide range of services, and includes various other things such as third party liability insurance for students.

At present, the tuition fee at IMC Krems is EUR 363.36 per semester. This applies to all citizens of EU and EEA member states, Swiss citizens, and citizens of third countries who are covered by the Austrian Personengruppenverordnung (Ordinance on the Admission of Certain Groups of Persons). Please note that different tuition fees apply for non-EU citizens.

If you have any more questions about places to live, finance and financial support, our Prospective Student Advisory Service will be happy to help.