
How to find a part-time job

Want to earn some extra money while you’re studying? Many companies offer student jobs, both in the form of contracts for specific services and also mini-jobs. Arrangements like this mean that you still have enough time to study full-time while also working to top up your monthly budget. Temporary jobs – during the holidays or at weekends – are another popular option among students. But first of all, it’s important to think about what you expect to gain from a student job.

Students with their computers
Do you want to earn some extra money alongside your studies? A search using the search engine "student job" and "location" will quickly provide you with the most important job platforms in the region.

Here are some questions you should think about before you look for a job:

•    Will the experience I gain be useful later on in my career?

A student job isn’t just a way to earn money, it’s also a good way to build up experience. The ideal approach is to work in an industry that you are interested in. If you’re studying tourism, then a job at a hotel or in the restaurant business is a good source of basic experience. If you’re doing a nursing degree, why not take this chance to support one of the care services providers in the region? It will also look good on your CV!

•    Is it easy to combine the job with my studies?

Can you work and study at the same time? This is a particularly important consideration if you commit to working for an employer for a long period. Generally speaking, working 10 hours a week alongside your studies should be manageable. But you should always focus primarily on your courses, especially if you’re on a full-time degree programme. Think about how much time you need for studying, groupwork and internships. We recommend keeping your employer informed about the various phases of your degree. In many cases, you can find a solution that meets your needs during exam and vacation periods.

•    Is the job offer legitimate?

If you accept a job offer, you need to conclude a written agreement, for example a freelance agreement, service contract or employment contract. The contract provides details of your rights and obligations. You must read it carefully before signing. We also strongly advise you to conclude a written agreement if you start an internship, a holiday job or a traineeship.

•    Are my wages appropriate?

Always compare multiple job advertisements – remember that a company might actually be prepared to pay more than the amount shown in the advertisement. Before your interview, make a list of your strengths and experience so that you are ready to give some convincing reasons why the company should hire you. 

Where to find student jobs

  • The quickest way to find the main job platforms in your area is to google “student job” along with the name of your town or region. There are also some sites aimed specifically at students, including, and
  • You can also find a list of job platforms in Austria on the Austrian government website at 

  • At your university: lots of universities employ students to carry out support activities and organise events. Many institutions also have careers centres and job platforms, which enable local companies and students to link up.

  • Businesses on campus: are there any companies close to your university that offer student jobs? Sometimes, the best way is just to ask.

  • Talk to local people: many employers fill vacancies without advertising them – your landlady or even the manager of your favourite cafe could prove to be a good source of information. Sometimes, simply hearing something on the grapevine is all it takes.

Jobs in the Krems region

  • If you are looking for work in the Krems area, we also recommend the job platforms operated by regional news outlets Niederösterreichische Nachrichten (NÖN) and 
  • Tourism plays a key role in Krems and the Wachau valley region – there are countless restaurants, hotels and stores that could be on the lookout for staff. Lots of wineries also hire students to help with wine sales or events. 
  • There are several catering firms in Krems that regularly hire temporary staff for events.
  • Krems is home to a major biotech cluster, which provides an opportunity for life science students to expand their professional experience during their degree. The IMC Career Center is a good place to go for advice and support.