
"I want to give something back to society!"

Michael Kass-Buchberger has always wanted to do his bachelor and master degrees at two different locations, as he desired to leave his comfort zone and build as many valuable networks as possible. He was finally drawn to IMC Krems for his master degree in International Business and Economic Diplomacy.

Michael Kass-Buchberger
IBE graduate Michael Kass-Buchberger decided to step into self-employment after graduation and founded "PATHfindr", an education and counselling community.

The opportunity to spend a semester abroad is what finally led me to study International Business and Economic Diplomacy. Among my highlights during my studies were the organisation of the "MORE" conference in 2013 together with the student counselling organisation STUCON, as well as the lessons in the historic walls of IMC Krems. I still think back fondly to the sports events on campus and the networking with international students.

Career path led to self-employment

After graduation, I worked for four years in the private sector in Business Development & Sales. I travelled around Europe selling plastic recycling machines. In 2019, I decided to go to an Upper Austrian secondary school via "Teach for Austria" as a lateral entrant to teach young people between ten and 14 and to accompany them in deciding which educational path they want to take after compulsory school. In honour of my parents, who enabled me good education through their tireless efforts, I would now like to give something back to society. This resulted in the founding of the "PATHfindr" non-profit limited company in 2022. Together with Rat auf Draht, we support young people digitally, anonymously, and free of charge with an educational and career guidance community on the social media platform Discord.

Group work teaches team leadership

Especially in my self-employment, where I am allowed to lead my own team, I notice that the group work with intercultural teams during my studies already prepared me well for my professional life. I am now often in similar situations and can draw on experience here.

Tradition meets modernity

The special thing about IMC Krems is the unique mixture of a traditional environment with vineyards including historical architecture and dealing with current topics. I advise prospective students to get in touch with alumni and talk about your expectations. Dare to take on this new challenge!