
IMC Krems study: biodynamic wines rated better

Publication in the Journal of Wine Research

Albert Stöckl, Stephanie Tischler and Denise Kleiss, professors and researchers at IMC University of Applied Sciences Krems (IMC Krems), together with graduate Katharina Moser (Vitikultur Moser winery), have published an article entitled “Grapes and Gains: The influence of farming methods on Austrian Wine ratings and prices” in the renowned Journal of Wine Research.

Three students taste wine
The IMC Krems study reveals that biodynamic wines in Austria achieve significantly higher ratings and prices compared to organic and conventional wines. Researchers from IMC Krems present their findings in the esteemed Journal of Wine Research.

Biodynamic wines with better ratings and higher prices

In their study, they analysed 8,667 of the best Austrian wines presented in the Gault&Millau Wine Guide between 2015 and 2018. The results show that in Austria biodynamic wines achieve significantly higher ratings and ex-cellar prices than organic and conventional wines., although only 928 of the wines analysed were biodynamic wines. 

Aim of the study: comparison of cultivation methods

The aim of the study was to determine whether there are differences in price and rating between biodynamic, organic and conventional wines. The results suggest that leading Austrian wine producers in particular rely on biodynamic cultivation methods, which leads to higher average ratings and prices.

This publication illustrates the high level of research at IMC Krems and its close connection to the wine industry.

About the study

International Wine Business