
International Summer School: Three countries in Krems

In the last two weeks, a milestone was set. After a long time of planning and waiting for the pandemic to pass, we, the IMC Krems, were finally able to host our first IMC International Summer School in International Business Innovation with 15 students from partner universities in Canada, Kazakhstan and Vietnam.

[Translate to Englisch:] 15 Studierende
[Translate to Englisch:] 15 Studierende von Partnerhochschulen aus Kanada, Kasachstan und Vietnam absolvierten die International Business Innovation Summer School in Krems.

Over the last two weeks the students had the chance to improve their knowledge and learn new skills in the fields of Emotional Competence, Extreme Innovations & Company Building, Customer Experience Design, Green Economics, Cross Cultural Collaboration, Digital Business Models and Design Thinking. A big thank you at this point goes out to all the amazing lecturers who did a great job of conveying the content both in theory but also with practical examples and explanations.

To have the best Austrian experiences, the students enjoyed trips to Vienna, a city tour in Krems’ old town, a visit to a wine tavern with traditional Austrian food and wine, a dinner in a beer garden and a hiking trip to see the wonderful wine region Wachau. 

This was only the beginning – there are many more International Summer Schools in Business Innovation to come and we are looking forward to welcoming YOU to IMC Krems.