
Key role in digital transformation

Tanja Kolm has remained loyal to IMC Krems: Digital Business Innovation and Transformation is already her second master programme. In 2017, she completed the master programme in Management.

Tanja Kolm
“I study Digital Business Innovation and Transformation because I want to play a key role in the digital transformation of companies and our society. I am also convinced that digital technologies and innovations are needed to tackle the major challenges of our time – such as the climate crisis,” Tanja Kolm says about her master programme. Photo credit: © Leni knipst Fotografie

I love nature and love to explore it while running, hiking and mountain biking. That’s why I ended up back in the Waldviertel after having completed my bachelor degree. I am very down to earth, but also like to discover the world – preferably for several weeks with a backpack. I would describe myself as very inquisitive.

Why did you decide to study at IMC Krems? Why the part-time master programme Digital Business Innovation and Transformation?

I study Digital Business Innovation and Transformation because I want to play a key role in the digital transformation of companies and our society. I am also convinced that digital technologies and innovations are needed to tackle the major challenges of our time – such as the climate crisis. I chose this programme because it was the only programme at the time that addressed business, digital technology and innovation in an integrated way.

What do you like most about the programme?

What I like most about my studies is the good mix of hard and soft skills. During my studies, I had the chance to deal with data analysis and visualisation, but also with agile working methods and concepts, new leadership approaches and change management.

What have been the highlights during your studies so far?

The best part was the group work together with fellow students, such as in the Open Innovation Lab. We were a very heterogeneous cohort, learned a lot from each other and exchanged ideas about the latest trends.

What is special about IMC Krems?

Especially when you study part-time, commuting is a big burden. It was an incredible relief that even in the time after Covid, classes were always taught online on Fridays, and courses were held hybrid. The lecturers worked with different virtual tools, making them the norm for us. Since I work internationally, I was also able to use this acquired competence immediately in my professional life.
I particularly like the location of the campus in the middle of the vineyards. Especially in spring, it was fantastic to sit in the sun with the other students on the green spaces and exchange ideas. Another plus point is the international community. You get to know people from different cultures.

Why does studying pay off, aside from acquiring knowledge?

I think the network you build up during this time is valuable. 
The organisational skills, which are particularly necessary for part-time studies, are also a benefit for a later career.

What are your plans after graduation?

I would like to put my acquired knowledge into practice and use my new skills to help develop digital and sustainable solutions.

What tip can you give those who are interested in the master programme Digital Business Innovation and Transformation at IMC Krems?

The workload is very high and should not be underestimated. A part-time job with 25-30 hours would be optimal to be able to concentrate sufficiently on the studies.