
Run for CMT

Brice Chapuis from France is a master student in the International Business and Economic Diplomacy program since September 2022. In addition to his studies, he has a sporting hobby: running. In an interview with Victoria Englmaier, he revealed why this is not a matter of course for him and what major project he is pursuing this year.

Who are you and what is your project for 2023?

My name is Brice. I am 23 years old, I am from France and I study International Business and Economic Diplomacy at IMC Krems. On April 23, 2023, I will run for and with Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease at the 40th Vienna Marathon.

What is Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease and how does it affect you?

Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease is a rare hereditary disease in my family that predominantly affects males (which is not the case with all CMT diseases). Symptoms usually include arched feet, atrophy of the leg muscles, and significant loss of balance. Symptoms develop gradually in early puberty and may progress throughout life. This physical condition meant a lot of incomprehension and injustice for me, because no matter how hard I tried, I could never walk or move as well or as fast as the others. As the years went by, it got worse and worse, and from one day to the next, I was no longer able to run. After going through various trainings and appropriate methods, I found my ability to run again! That was a year ago, and it inspired me to imagine myself competing in long-distance races.

How do you like running in Krems now?

I arrived in Krems on September 20, 2022, and I started running every day. Krems is an ideal place to run because there are several running tracks, the air is pure and the landscapes are beautiful. In Krems, I also have the opportunity to share my apartment with two other French people, and one of them had the same desire as me: to run a marathon.

Wow. Running a marathon is very impressive on its own, but then also with your background!

Yes. My roommate suggested that I run in the next Vienna Marathon together with him, and I immediately accepted.  However, I also want to do it for a cause that is important to me.   I contacted the ECMTF (European Federation for CMT) and suggested to raise money for them at the marathon.

How can you combine your marathon training with your studies at IMC Krems?

I study at IMC Krems in a part-time Master, so I used the time to prepare and train my project properly. In addition, my course of study is International Business, and I knew that I would acquire a lot of knowledge to develop my project. Since then, the "Run for CMT" has been alive and well, and I humbly hope to raise awareness and funds for the upcoming ECMTF global event in June 2023!

We are very impressed by your strong will and athletic performance and wish you all the best for your project! How can we learn more about it?

I share about my journey to the marathon on my Instagram account: @run_for_cmt. Feel free to follow me and help me share this project with the world!