
Which degree programme is the right one for me?

Five tips on how to find your dream degree

Wow, there are just so many to choose from! Austrian universities offer a total of more than 3,500 degree programmes – including 700 only found at universities of applied sciences. Feeling a bit overwhelmed by such a huge range of options? Would you like some support with pinpointing the programme that’s the best fit for you? We’ve put together a few tips that should help you to find your bearings. And your dream degree programme.

Student with book
Think about the subjects you liked at school – and which ones you couldn’t stand. What are your specific strengths and abilities?

Tip 1: Find out what’s out there

Online, in person and at student fairs: a multi-level approach is the best way to shine some light on the range of programmes on offer.

  • Digital channels are ideal for helping you to get your bearings. All universities post degree descriptions on their websites. Once you’ve identified the ones that appeal to you most, you can move on to the next step.
  • The vast majority of universities also hold info days during the academic year. In many cases, they stage an open day – usually referred to as ‘Tag der offenen Tür’ here in Austria – or a similar event in the winter semester and another one in the summer semester. It’s a great opportunity to pick up some information first-hand. You’ll also get to know the university itself, so you can decide whether you’ll feel at home. And whether you can picture yourself spending lots of time there. Another advantage is that you can usually talk to students who are currently on the degree programme that you’re interested in. It’s the perfect way to get answers to the questions that matter most to you. You can find out when info events are scheduled by visiting the university’s website or checking out its social media channels. Following the university you want to apply to on social media or registering on its website is always a good idea. That way, you’ll keep up with all the latest developments.
  • You can kill two birds with one stone by visiting student and careers fairs. Lots of universities will be represented, so you can look at a number of different options under one roof. BeSt – Austria’s biggest education fair – is staged in several towns and cities.

Tip 2: Concentrate on the subjects you enjoy the most

You’ll hear a lot of different opinions when it comes to choosing a degree. With some degrees, “you can walk into any job once you graduate”, people will tell you. Or that “studying law or business is never a bad idea”. That’s all well and good. But we recommend attaching more weight to the subjects that interest you personally. What topics do you enjoy studying? Where do you really come into your own? What do you want to learn more about? These are the kind of questions that will point you in the direction of your dream degree.

There are a few tricks that should help you to go about making a decision:

  • Think about the subjects you liked at school – and which ones you couldn’t stand.
  • What are your specific strengths and abilities? Are you a music fan or is technology more your thing? Do you enjoy learning languages? Are you in your element organising projects? Do you like to give your creative side free rein?
  • What do you want to do after you graduate, and where? Have a think about the industries you can see yourself moving into. Do you want to climb the career ladder quickly? What else is important to you?
  • Do you want to do a degree that will prepare you for a specific profession – like physiotherapy or a teaching post? Of course, that doesn’t mean you can’t switch to another occupation once you’ve finished your degree. Or would you prefer to study a general topic that you enjoy in more depth during your degree – maths, management or media studies, for example?

Tip 3: Take the test

Professional interest assessments can help to highlight your personal strengths and interests. The Chamber of Labour has two versions: one for under-18s and one for adults. The assessment generates a personalised profile of your interests and some specific suggestions for careers you might want to pursue. It’s free of charge and you can take a test whenever you want by visiting

Tip 4: Talk to your family and friends

It’s definitely worth taking the time to discuss your plans with people who are close to you. Find out what they think are your strengths and abilities. Talking to people can open up insights that you might otherwise miss. Even so, you should see tips from family and friends for what they are: recommendations. At the end of the day, you have to make the final decision yourself. It’s all about your future. And nobody knows you better than you do.

Tip 5: Think about where you want to do your dream degree

Have you already narrowed down the options? Then you need to think about where the programmes you’re most interested in are offered. Is it a university or a university of applied sciences? Is it close to home or will you have to move away? Our recommendation: start out by identifying the degree you want to do, and only then think about where you actually want to study. This second step is also the right time to ask yourself whether a university or a university of applied sciences will suit you best. The answers to the following questions could also point you in the right direction:

  • Do I want to move away from home to do my degree?
  • Do I want to study in a big city or a smaller town?
  • How much will it cost to live there?
  • How can I get there from home?

Has this helped you to move a step closer to choosing the degree of your dreams? Maybe you’re thinking of applying to IMC Krems. If so, then you should definitely take a look at our list of degree programmes.