
Why should I come to one of your info events?

Most people think that everything they need to know about their degree programme is posted online. But is that really true? We take a look at some of the reasons why attending an information event at the university you are interested in is a far better investment of your time than you might think. Because the way we see it, you’re bound to gain plenty of insights if you visit in person.

What types of student accommodation are available? Where can I find a part-time job? How can I apply for a semester abroad? Experts from the student advisory service will also be at the information event. This means you can kill two birds with one stone and find out about a range of other topics besides the degree programme itself.

Universities usually hold two information events for prospective students each year – one in the winter and one in the summer semester. Here in Austria, they are known as “Tag der offenen Tür”, “Studieninfotag” or “Open Day”. Regardless of whether you have your eye on a particular degree programme or just want to gain an overview, you’ll find out a lot by attending events like these.

Because they give you an idea of whether you’ll feel at home here

You should definitely take the time to travel to your preferred university for its information event. Because visiting in person is the best way to get an impression of the campus: is this a good fit for me? Can I picture myself spending lots of my time here? Take a walk around the campus and see how you feel. Gut feeling is usually a very good indicator of whether it’s the right place for you. 

Because you’ll get a chance to look behind the scenes

Many universities offer guided tours of the campus and various buildings as part of their info days. It’s a great opportunity to take a look behind the scenes. What do the labs look like? How does it feel to sit in one of the lecture theatres? Try things out for yourself.

Because you’ll meet students who can tell you about the degree programme

Coming to a university open day also gives you a fantastic opportunity to talk to students who are currently on the degree programme that you’re interested in applying for. It’s the perfect way to get answers to the questions that matter most to you. It’s often easier to talk about things face to face – and you might feel more comfortable asking questions that you might not ask otherwise. Students will also be happy to tell you about everyday student life, accommodation, student jobs – and maybe where the best places to party are!

Because you can make those all-important first contacts

Info days are also a good way to make new contacts – especially if you don’t know anyone who is studying at your future university. Many of the people you meet will also be at the university for the first time. So it definitely pays to start up a few conversations.

Because you can get all the info you need in one place 

What types of student accommodation are available? Where can I find a part-time job? How can I apply for a semester abroad? Experts from the student advisory service will also be at the information event. This means you can kill two birds with one stone and find out about a range of other topics besides the degree programme itself.

Click on Events to find out when the next IMC Krems Open Day will take place.