
Successful FFG Talent Internship at IMC Krems

IMC Krems offers young people valuable insights into research and everyday laboratory life

This summer, nine pupils once again were given the opportunity to gain in-depth insights into the biotechnology and chemistry laboratories at IMC Krems as part of the FFG Talent Internship. During the four-week internship, the participants experienced everyday laboratory life, carried out practical experiments and optimised their methods.

Project manager Professor Dana Mezricky (centre) with the participants of the successful FFG talent internship
Project manager Professor Dana Mezricky (centre) with the participants of the successful FFG talent internship at IMC Krems. The young people gained valuable insights into the world of research and everyday laboratory life and were actively involved in exciting projects and experiments.

IMC Krems has been committed to giving young people an insight into the world of higher education, science and research for many years. The FFG Talent Internships are a central element of these endeavours and offer an excellent opportunity to get young people enthusiastic about scientific and technical careers.

IMC Krems: commitment to promoting young talents 

“Our aim is to get pupils interested in the fascinating fields of research and development at an early age. Through such internships, we not only enable them to gain valuable practical experience, but also support them in deciding on their future educational path and career direction,” explains Professor Dana Mezricky, project manager of the FFG Talent Internships at IMC Krems.

Encouraging interest in the natural sciences

Anita Koppensteiner, researcher at the Institute of Applied Chemistry and supervisor of the interns, emphasises: “The practical work in the laboratory enables the students to apply and develop their theoretical knowledge in practice. It’s impressive to see how committed and interested these young people are.”

Voices of enthusiastic participants

The enthusiasm of the trainees is clearly evident:

  • Marta describes her experience: “Working in the lab is incredibly exciting. We carry out experiments ourselves and learn a lot about biotechnological and chemical processes. I find it particularly impressive that we are actively involved right from the start, and the support from the professors is simply amazing.”
  • Jakob adds: “The internship not only gave me new perspectives on biotechnology, but also showed me how varied and challenging laboratory work can be. The close supervision and practical tasks have further enhanced my interest in scientific subjects.”
  • Vinzent is enthusiastic: “The opportunity to carry out experiments independently and to be supported by experienced scientists was a great experience. It showed me how versatile and exciting a career in the STEM subjects can be.”

FFG Talent Internships: a steppingstone for the future

The FFG Talent Internships programme is an initiative of the Austrian Research Promotion Agency - Österreichische Forschungsförderungsgesellschaft (FFG) - that aims to give pupils practical insights into the world of research and development. Supported by the Austrian federal government, the programme promotes young talents in the STEM subjects (science, technology, engineering, mathematics) and helps to strengthen the next generation in these essential fields. The internships not only offer young people the opportunity to gain valuable experience in scientific institutions, but also to discover and develop their professional interests and skills at an early stage.