
World Tourism Day: What IMC professors say

The degree programme "Tourism and Leisure Management" has been a tradition at the IMC Krems since 1994. It is recognised far beyond the borders of Austria. On the occasion of World Tourism Day, the faculty of the study programme gave their professional comments and assessments.

2 students stand in the vineyard and point their fingers to the other side
On the occasion of World Tourism Day, the faculty of the bachelor degree programme Tourism & Leisure Management gave their professional comments and assessments.

Giancarlo Fedeli: „Call for collaboration“

We all have witnessed lately how the advent of an unanticipated global pandemic massively impacted travel and tourism worldwide. Now that such a major macroeconomic shock was further escalated by the invasion of Ukraine in 2022, further disruptors such as labour shortages and fuel and commodity cost increases will continue to impact the year 2022 onwards and the tourism industry recovery appears even cloudier. “On World Tourism Day we stress the delicate relationship of the industry with the geopolitical environment, as well as the obligation of tourism researchers and practitioners with a call to advocacy and collaboration to identify potential routes of recovery” says Giancarlo Fedeli, teaching tourism geography and entrepreneurship in the Bachelor Tourism & Leisure Management Programme.

Larissa Neuburger: „Appreciating the power of tourism“

Technologies and digital connections have become an essential part of our everyday life in order to communicate, work, attend meetings or events and travel virtually. However, after this long break with travel restrictions and complications, tourists all over the world realized how much they missed physical travel, exploring real places and interacting with locals. Tourism research also shows that virtual travel can serve as a meaningful substitute in times of crisis but can in fact never replace the magic of physical travel. Larissa Neuburger, teaching digital tourism and digital marketing, highlights that “on World Tourism Day it is important to appreciate tourism in its power to enable tourists to have positive, memorable experiences and lifelong memories of people and places they visit”.

Claudia Dolezal: „Bundling innovative ideas for the sustainable future of tourism“

Claudia Dolezal, with a focus on sustainability and destination management emphasises that “on World Tourism Day it is important to remind ourselves that tourism is still, also after the COVID pandemic, a number one income generator in geographical areas where few other livelihood options are available. It’s a strong driver for positive change that reunites people and societies around the globe. This is the time now to bring together our innovative ideas to shape a more sustainable future of tourism for residents and destinations. Each of us can contribute to the UN Sustainable Development Goals – be that tourists, businesses, residents, professors or students. In doing so, we must never forget our ultimate goal: to make destinations not only exciting places to visit but also great places to live in”.

Claudia Bauer-Krösbacher: „A celebration of the tourism industry“

Claudia Bauer-Krösbacher, programme director, concludes that “We live in a special time in human history and the world we thought we knew suddenly changed. But tourism has already come back. However, there is a shift in tourism: A big shift how we think, what we want and what we will allow. We are hopefully going to see some changes that needed changing for decades. “World Tourism Day is a celebration of exploring the world and experiencing different destinations in all its facets. It is a celebration of the tourism industry. The IMC’s Bachelor programme in Tourism & Leisure Management prepares students to work in this industry. Our great international team of professors teach them all the skills needed to meet current and future challenges. Together we have opened a new chapter and manage the shift in leading the tourism sector into a more sustainable and promising future. Good education in tandem with practical training is the starting point of a successful career. IMC alumni around the world are proof of this – and we are very proud of that.

More about the TOURISM & LEISURE MANAGEMENt degree programme