Sustainability at IMC Krems

At IMC Krems, we place great emphasis on sustainability across all aspects of our university community.

We are actively committed to environmentally conscious practices, promoting sustainable development goals, and integrating ecological responsibility into our teaching and research.

Initiatives & projects

Through numerous initiatives and projects, we contribute to creating a more sustainable future and continuously enhance our environmental awareness.

Our goal is to raise awareness among students, staff and our partners — including individuals, organisations and institutions — about the importance of sustainability, and to collaboratively develop innovative solutions for global challenges.

For us, sustainability is central to every aspect of the university. This commitment extends not only to teaching and research but also to our organisational structure and daily operations.

We are dedicated to consistently promoting and implementing sustainable practices to make a positive contribution to both the environment and society.

Our pledge to sustainability

Our commitment is evident in the integration of sustainable principles into our curricula, the support of research projects on environmental topics, and the implementation of eco-friendly measures in campus operations. In doing so, we aim to fulfil our responsibilities as an institution and actively contribute to sustainable development.


ISO 14001 certification

Since 2012, we have been committed to an integrated management system that includes the ISO 14001 environmental management standard. This framework helps our university contribute systematically to the continuous improvement of operational environmental protection. The key focus areas include optimising energy efficiency, managing operational resources—including mobility, raising awareness among internal and external stakeholders, as well as minimising risks and ensuring legal compliance.

In line with our commitment to ISO 14001, we have implemented various processes at IMC Krems. Formally, this includes the process for annual reporting on the implementation of the environmental programme and the process for regularly assessing and updating environmental aspects. We have also enhanced existing processes, such as procurement, by incorporating environmental management topics and considerations.

Sustainability Report

Sustainability Report

The IMC Krems Sustainability Report documents the diverse initiatives and progress our university has made in the field of sustainability. The report highlights how we integrate the principles of environmental, social and economic sustainability into our curricula, research, and everyday campus life.

Key focus areas include our efforts to reduce our carbon footprint, promote diversity and inclusion, and support regional and international sustainability projects. With this report, we reaffirm our ongoing commitment to a sustainable future and contribute to transparency and accountability towards our students, partners, institutions, organisations, and society at large.

Sustainability Report 2022


Sustainability ratings

Our university is actively committed to a sustainable and positive future. 

In this context, the Positive Impact Rating (PIR) and the Times Higher Education (THE) Impact Ranking play pivotal roles. Both ratings provide us with the opportunity to measure and showcase our progress and achievements in social responsibility and sustainability. By participating in these important ratings, we can highlight our role as a responsible and forward-thinking institution and contribute actively to solving global challenges.

By participating in these important ratings, we can highlight our role as a responsible and forward-thinking institution and contribute actively to solving global challenges.

The Positive Impact Rating is a unique initiative aimed at assessing the positive societal impacts of universities worldwide. Unlike traditional rankings that often focus solely on academic excellence and research achievements, the PIR emphasises universities’ commitment to addressing societal and environmental challenges.

The THE Impact Ranking is based on the United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and evaluates universities on how well they implement these goals in their research, teaching, engagement, and operations.


Sustainability in teaching

Understanding the significance of societal responsibility, we incorporate sustainability into every facet of our teaching approach.

Our engagement with students centres around shaping a sustainable future, which is reflected in our curricula and lectures. We specifically align with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) as a guiding framework for sustainable development.

IMC Krems offers entire degree programmes dedicated to sustainability, and we have also incorporated sustainability principles into every newly authorised or revised programme in the Department of Business.

We are pleased to present some examples of degree programmes with a focus on sustainability.

As part of our project “Business Base Courses” aimed at increasing the modularisation of our degree programmes, we have developed a concept for teaching fundamental business content in our bachelor programmes.

In the “Sustainability and Ethics in Leadership” Base Course, our students explore both the history and principles of sustainable development, as well as current social, environmental and economic trends.

Additionally, they examine aspects of business ethics and its application in companies, and reflect on their future roles as leaders in the context of societal challenges.

The world is facing significant global challenges such as environmental changes and social issues. These problems impact us as a society and also affect the economy. Therefore, it is crucial to quickly find sustainable solutions for the changing environmental conditions.

This is precisely where our bachelor degree programme comes into play: The programme offers a unique opportunity to actively engage in addressing global challenges. Through a holistic approach, students learn how to design models, communities and businesses to achieve the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

More about the programme 

Sustainable development and Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) — the social and environmental responsibility of businesses—have increasingly become the focus of public discussion in recent years. These conditions led IMC Krems to develop the master degree programme in environmental and sustainability management in 2011 and to advance the professionalisation of education in this field. 

The aim of the programme is to equip students with the specific and methodological skills needed to assist businesses and organisations in implementing measures and strategies for environmental and social sustainability, fulfilling both corporate and societal responsibilities.

More about the programme

Sustainable chemistry is driving change in the industrial production of chemicals and materials by consistently aiming for resource efficiency and minimal environmental impact. 

Our master degree programme in Sustainable Chemistry and Digital Processing addresses this trend with an innovative offering in applied chemistry. The goal of this programme is to empower students to develop innovative projects at the intersection of chemistry, sustainability, and digitalisation, lead multidisciplinary teams and tackle complex interdisciplinary challenges.

More about the programme

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is increasingly revolutionising various societal sectors, presenting us with the urgent task of designing these systems responsibly. As a result, the demand for highly skilled professionals who can operate at the intersection of computer science, sustainability and ethics is steadily growing. 

Our master degree programme in Engineering Responsible AI Systems has been designed to meet these demands. Our innovative course offering enables students to develop and evaluate AI systems for various industries while integrating ethical, regulatory, and sustainable principles.

More about the programme


Networks and memberships

Our focus is on creating meaningful connections in the field of sustainability, both within Austria and internationally.

That is why we are actively involved in initiatives such as the Principles for Responsible Management Education (PRME), the United Nations Global Compact (UNGC), and the Alliance of Sustainable Universities.

In addition, we are a member of the Austrian University of Applied Sciences Conference, which represents the interests of all Austrian universities of applied sciences and higher education institutions at both national and international levels.

PRME Principles

As an active member of PRME, the principles of the initiative are cornerstones of our actions. The aim of these principles is to support higher education institutions in establishing continuous change processes and educating a new generation of leaders who can master complex challenges in the economy and society of the 21st century.




We will develop the capabilities of students to be future generators of sustainable value for business and society at large and to work for an inclusive and sustainable global economy.



We will incorporate into our academic activities, curricula and organisational practices the values of global social responsibility as portrayed in international initiatives such as the United Nations Global Compact.



We will create educational frameworks, materials, processes and environments that enable effective learning experiences for responsible leadership.



We will engage in conceptual and empirical research that advances our understanding about the role, dynamics, and impact of corporations in the creation of sustainable social, environmental and economic value.



We will interact with managers of business corporations to extend our knowledge of their challenges in meeting social and environmental responsibilities and to explore jointly effective approaches to meeting these challenges.



We will facilitate and support dialogue and debate with students, business, government, consumers, media, civil society organisations and other interested groups and stakeholders on critical issues related to global social responsibility and sustainability.


Sustainability in research

Research drives innovation and creates value for individuals, society, and the economy. As such, research and development are core areas of our institution.

The goal of our research activities is to develop scientifically grounded solutions for businesses and organisations. The diversity of our research projects ensures a wide range of interdisciplinary studies. These projects and findings provide economic, medical, pharmaceutical, technical and societal benefits.

Through our research focus areas and projects within the Departments of Business, Health Sciences, and Science and Technology, we contribute to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

You can explore our sustainability-focused research projects on our research platform and filter by the SDGs that interest you most.

More on our IMC Research Portal

Organisation & infrastructure

Sustainability in our organisation

Fostering mobility among students, educators and staff has been a core principle of our institution since its founding.

The climate crisis and its impacts are already being felt and affect us all. We are committed to developing and implementing solutions and strategies to address climate change as an institution.

Environmental impacts

The mobility of students, staff, and faculty, driven by our teaching and research activities, results in environmental impacts such as air emissions, noise pollution, and land use.

Environmental aspects

We assess environmental aspects annually through a multi-stage process that spans various departments. The evaluation is categorised into “No Action Required”, “Moderate Environmental Relevance” and “High Environmental Relevance”.

Additional criteria for evaluating cases of moderate and high environmental relevance include the quantity (extent, frequency), danger (potential environmental hazard), legal requirements (compliance with environmental laws), and societal relevance (stakeholder opinions, exemplary impact).

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Environmental and energy metrics

Since 2009, we have been collecting and analysing data on energy, paper and water consumption, as well as waste streams, on a quarterly basis. This data is documented in our environmental and energy control systems.

Sustainable procurement

We aim to design procurement processes based on sustainability principles, considering social, ecological, and economic criteria. Our approach follows the definition of the Austrian Action Plan for Sustainable Public Procurement: 

“Sustainable procurement involves acquiring environmentally friendly products and services that adhere to principles of frugality, cost-effectiveness, and suitability, while ensuring that social standards are maintained during their production or provision.” 

To promote sustainable procurement, we have integrated these criteria directly into the ordering process within our purchasing policy. Additionally, we focus on raising awareness, particularly among employees who handle a large volume of orders. 

Furthermore, we gather data on the environmental performance of our key suppliers and partner institutions during their annual evaluation.

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Travel activities

Due to the international focus of our university, the travel activities of our IMC team are also significant. We handle this responsibility with care: Our processes ensure efficient travel routes while supporting a shift towards more environmentally friendly alternatives. Additionally, we are increasingly transitioning to digital communication, a change that was accelerated and intensified by the pandemic.


Our university operates across three campuses in Krems, as well as two additional locations in Mistelbach and Horn. Furthermore, research is conducted in applied bioanalytics and drug development at the Technology and Research Centre Krems. Our buildings on campus are also available for various events.

Location & infrastructure

Our university allows teaching activities to be conducted in all buildings, enabling flexible and sustainable use of our infrastructure.

The building at Piaristengasse 1, the IMC Piaristengasse, has a total net floor area of 2,922 m². At the Campus Krems, we lease a total of 16,292 m² net floor area across five different building complexes. Two Wings (Wing G and Wing G1) are used exclusively by us. In the IMC Gozzoburg, we have leased facilities with a net area of 1,904.30 m².

In Building Wing U, which offers a total area of 2,114 m², state-of-the-art laboratory and research spaces for Chemistry and Life Sciences have been created on approximately 750 m² for the 2023/2024 academic year. The office concept is an open space, with additional coaching rooms, quiet workspaces, and a spacious kitchen. The ground floor features a reception and lounge area, as well as three large seminar rooms for teaching activities.

Locations in Horn & Mistelbach

Our German-speaking bachelor degree programme in General Nursing is now offered at three locations: Krems, Mistelbach, and, starting in autumn 2024, Horn. The Mistelbach site, which directly connects to the Landesklinikum Mistelbach, has an area of 730 m². The Horn site is located in the School of Health and Nursing, in close proximity to the Landesklinikum Horn. Expansion will occur in three stages, with an initial area of 209 m² available.

Institute Krems Bioanalytics

For the Research Institute Krems Bioanalytics, we have adapted additional laboratory spaces at the Technology and Research Centre Krems, providing a total of 470 m² for research collaboration.

More information about our locations in Krems & Lower Austria

Small changes, big impact

Here’s what we’ve implemented so far:

  • Efficient management of building control systems
  • Use of water-saving technologies
  • Smart ventilation and heating systems
  • Ongoing transition to LED lighting across all buildings
  • New electrical appliances meet a minimum energy efficiency rating of class A
  • Regulated use of external shading to enhance thermal gain
  • Deployment of intelligent lighting control systems (e.g., passive infrared motion sensors)
  • Continuous shift to electric vehicles in our fleet
  • 19 electric vehicle charging stations

Green Meeting Location

Celebrate sustainably—that’s the motto at IMC Krems. Since September 2016, the International Meeting Center has been certified with the Austrian Ecolabel for conference and event venues. This makes it a leading example among event locations at Austrian universities for its commitment to sustainable and conscientious environmental practices.

IMC Krems as a meeting location


Contact us

If you have any questions, please contact our Environmental & Sustainability Advisory Committee at sustainability(at)

Victoria Englmaier, MSc (WU) BSc (WU)
Projectmanagement / Executive Management
Details of person