Transnational cooperation and projects

Krems exports know-how all over the world

Our university is a recognised partner for education and consulting projects at home and abroad.

Transnational partnerships

IMC University of Applied Sciences Krems designs tailored solutions for partners from the education and business sectors. Our education experts have a wealth of experience with ‘exporting’ our degree programmes and heading up international projects.

International project management

The university’s experience extends well beyond Europe – examples include successful projects in Oman, Namibia, Azerbaijan and China.

There’s ample scope for transnational cooperations in the following areas:


Projects in Austria and abroad

IMC Krems supports projects around the world in the educational and tourism sectors. Our goals: unrivalled quality combined with added value for the region.

A powerful partner for your Project

Here at IMC Krems, we pride ourselves on our sustainable quality and international focus while considering local needs.

As a full-service provider, the university manages your project every step of the way. Our innovative concepts primarily serve to accomplish one objective: linking academic expertise with business administration know-how. Such an approach ensures sophisticated implementation of your project.

We have wide-ranging expertise in the following areas:

  • Education: Consulting on academic, infrastructure-related and human resources structures and requirements.
  • Tourism: Conducting feasibility studies for tourist resorts, project planning in regional tourism development and the introduction of hotel classification systems
  • Management, digitalisation, health and life sciences: Studies in IMC Krems’ core subject Areas

Selected Projects

KSU-IMC Tourism & Hospitality Hub

In cooperation with King Saud University a Tourism & Hospitality Hub was established.

Already realised:

  • 6+2 Tourism and Leisure Management: Students spend 6 semesters at King Saud University and 2 semesters at IMC Krems as part of the Tourism and Leisure Management degree programme.
  • Diploma in Hotel Management: Lecturers from IMC Krems teach in the two-year Hotel Management Diploma programme at King Saud University. Additionally, the internship is completed in Austria.

Further projects are planned.

Multi-purpose tourism venue Semmering

Conversion of the historic Grand Hotel Panhans into a multi-purpose tourism venue

(5-star hotel and 3-star training hotel, private apartments)

International College for Tourism and Management

Project goal

Revitalisation of the region as a popular year-round tourism destination

Development of a university in Buraimi

Start: 2010

Consortium Leader: IMC Krems 

Partners: University of Vienna, Vienna University of Technology, University of Applied Sciences FH Campus Wien, (all AUT) and University of Bradford (UK)

Core responsibilities IMC Krems

Accounting & controlling, quality management, HR, marketing, facility management, IT

Project goals
  • Design and implementation of academic programmes
  • Implementation of organisation and management structures

College for Tourism and Hospitality Management

2-year diploma programme in Tourism and Hospitality Management

Start: 2001 
Students: 600
License agreement with the Ministry of Manpower, Oman

Core responsibilities IMC Krems

Management, Praxisunterricht, Sprachen

Project goal

Local capacity building

Feasibility study and business plan for a Centre of Excellence

Tourism education at vocational and academic level as well as a seminar hotel

Project Goals
  • Contribute to the area's economic development
  • Establish and develop tourism infrastructure
  • Increase the supply of qualified employees for Jordanian enterprises

Feasibility study for Walvis Bay Eco-Tourism Centre

ECO Tourism College inkl. Training Hotel und Tourismusinformationszentrum 

  • Regionale Entwicklung ankurbeln 
  • Walvis Bay als Tourismusdestination etablieren
  • Walvis Bay als Ausbildungszentrum bekannt machen

Intercultural Hotel Management School Retz

Redesign of a historic estate as well as a 4-star hotel and a 3-star training hotel

Project goal

Development of the region as a tourist attraction

Transnational programmes

Interested in joint educational programmes?

Find out more

Country Manager

Why should you choose IMC Krems as your project partner?

The Institute Global Impact and Transformation acts as a competence center for international cooperation.

Here at IMC Krems, we’ve been managing international projects for 30 years. Our experts' approach creates added value, because sustainable regional development – for example in tourism – is a key success factor for us.

That's why the project team always takes local conditions and requirements into account when planning the project, whilst also consulting with our extensive international network of partners.

Jens Peter Ennen, MSc

Egypt & Azerbaijan

Chen Yang, MA


Mattia Rainoldi, PhD, MSc


Dr. Amadeus Gabriel


Project phases

From planning to implementation and beyond

IMC Krems is a full-service provider. Our project team will be happy to work with you from the planning stage right through to implementation and beyond. 

We usually adopt the following five-step plan:


Fact Finding Mission

The project team gains an impression of the local conditions and analyses opportunities and threats.


Project planning and proposal

Based on the insights obtained, the project team will draw up a project plan including a proposal for further cooperation.


Feasibility study and business plan

After you select IMC Krems as your project partner, our project team will draft a detailed business plan defining the project roadmap.



Once the project planning stage has been completed, IMC Krems is also a reliable partner for the implementation phase. Our experts’ know-how will help make your project a success.


Training and/or management

Even after successful implementation, our work isn’t done: the project team is happy to train your employees or provide managerial support.



Contact us

Do you need support for your next project? Get in contact with our experts.

Mag. Dr. Udo Brändle, LL.M.(Com)
Executive Management
Details of person
Prof.(FH) Dipl.-Ing. Dr. Roger Hage
Institute Global Impact and Transformation
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