In our undergraduate bachelor degree programme at our partner university in China, you will learn more about international business relations, communicating with other cultures, business administration and economics.

In the wake of turbulent global economic times, our programme in International Business Management is the right choice for everybody who wants to be successful in international trade. It offers first-class education in line with European standards and will enable you to pursue a successful career in international business. As a graduate, you will help to boost the growing export economy in the country and in Eastern Asia.


Bachelor of Arts in Business 


Full-time / 6 semesters / 180 ECTS credits




20 Weeks

The degree programme

Are you looking for a bachelor degree programme in international business for high-potentials in China?

Then look no further: the export business is often regarded as a driver of economic growth. Our programme allows you to develop the skills and knowledge for the international stage.

This degree programme is a collaboration between IMC Krems and the Hainan Tropical Ocean University (HNTOU) and will take place at HNTOU in Sanya/China.

The aim of the English-language bachelor programme is to equip you with in-depth business administration expertise.

International business knowledge and intercultural skills are the centre of attention throughout the programme. After your studies, you will be able to deal successfully with partners all over the world.

Please note: A foundation year prior to the degree programme helps students master the English language. After your graduation, you will be proficient in the language.

Successful graduates of the degree programme are awarded a regular degree from IMC Krems, meaning that they receive a degree from a fully accredited European degree programme. This opens up a wide range of opportunities for you: after your studies, you have the choice between seamlessly continuing your education in Europe and around the globe or starting your career with excellent job prospects in Uzbekistan and abroad.

High practice-orientation with an international edge

The programme is jointly taught by lecturers from IMC Krems and HNTOU.

The teaching staff is carefully selected, meaning that you will learn from leading industry experts from Austria and other countries and that you can expect a modern, student-centred teaching style.

During your studies you will gain hands-on practical experience during your internship semester in China or abroad as part of the degree programme. This allows you to grow professionally and establish contacts for easily finding excellent jobs after your graduation.

Tip: Do you want to gain even more international experience? The best students have the opportunity to come to Krems/Austria for an exchange semester without any additional fees.

Study International Business Management in Hainan – China’s only tropical island and top beach destination – and gain a bachelor degree that is fully accredited in both China and Austria!

Chen Yang

Institute Global Impact and Transformation

Welcome to Sanya/China!

Established in 1954, Hainan Tropical Ocean University (HNTOU) is a full-time public university. HNTOU has two campuses: one located in Sanya and one in Wuzhishan, covering a total area of over 1.45 million square meters. The university currently offers 13 master degree programmes, 53 bachelor degree programmes and 5 post-secondary programmes.

HNTOU offers two joint programmes cooperating with IMC Krems, namely Tourism and Leisure Management and International Business Management.

The Tourism and Leisure Management programme started in 2013, produced 349 graduates and currently has 437 students. The International Business Management programme received its first group of students in September 2020. 47 students are currently enrolled.

Application and admissions

Application and admissions – the next steps

You've found a course that's a perfect fit? Great – you’ve already taken the most important step! We’ve put together an overview to guide you through the next steps.

What are the admission requirements for the bachelor degree programme?

To qualify for admission to a university of applied sciences bachelor degree programme, you must have a proof of a general higher education entrance qualification (i.e. an Austrian secondary school leaving certificate or an equivalent qualification).

In the case of foreign certificates, we check the equivalence with the general higher education entrance qualification according to Art. 4 FHG (Fachhochschulgesetz) as amended as soon as your online application is completed. Supplementary examinations might be necessary to achieve an equivalence.

What proof of your language skills is required for this English-language bachelor degree programme?

In addition, a proof of English language proficiency at level B2 according to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR) is required.

The following English language certificates are accepted:

  • IELTS 5.5
  • Cambridge certificates at level B2

The language certificate should not be older than two years and can be submitted later before the start of studies.

If English is your first language or if you have completed your entire secondary education in English, you do not need any additional certificates.


To initiate your online application for the bachelor degree programme Tourism and Leisure Management in Sanya, send an e-mail with the following data to our cooperation partner at Hainan Tropical Ocean University under 13907595114(at)

  • Name of the bachelor degree programme
  • Gender
  • First name
  • Last name 
  • Date of birth 
  • E-mail address 

In coordination with our cooperation partner, Hainan Tropical Ocean University, we will carry out the registration for you and send you your personal access link by e-mail. With this link you can start your online application.

Apply online

Complete the input fields of your online application and upload the required documents as listed below.

  • Photo: as required for the passport
  • Passport: ID page with the passport holder’s data or, if not available, ID card with certified translation
  • Your CV (curriculum vitae) in tabular form
  • Secondary school leaving certificate or general university entrance qualification: a full scan of your original document, combined with the proper translation and all legalisation seals and notes in one digital file.
  • or, if you have not yet obtained the proof of general higher education entrance qualification at the time of application:
    Official and personalised confirmation – issued by your school – with the exact denomination of your secondary school leaving certificate including the expected date of graduation. If the confirmation is not issued in English language, a proper translation is also required.
  • Proof of English language proficiency: either an English language certificate (e.g., IELTS 5.5 or Cambridge Certificate Level B2) or a confirmation from your secondary school that you have completed your entire secondary education in English.

Prepare digital copies (properly scanned, up to max. 5 MB per document) of all required documents for your application. Please use only the following formats: PDF or JPEG/JPG. When scanning multi-page documents, please ensure that all pages are saved together in one digital file.

The statement of motivation and your essay are integrated parts of the online application and don’t have to be uploaded as additional documents.

For instructions and supporting information on how to apply online, please refer to the Guide to online application for a transnational bachelor degree programme. Make sure to consider the requirements for translation and legalisation of international documents prior to your online communication.

We will confirm receipt of your application via e-mail. Please note that only complete applications submitted in time by the application deadline can be accepted.

Information on data protection in a nutshell

Responsible body:  IMC Hochschule für Angewandte Wissenschaften Krems GmbH, Piaristengasse 1, 3500 Krems an der Donau

Contact: datenschutz(at)

Processed data: data provided in the course of the online application

Legal basis:
a.)  Art 6 para. 1 lit b GDPR - the fulfilment of the pre-contractual legal relationship
b.)  Art 6 para. 1 lit f GDPR – legitimate interest of IMC University of Applied Sciences Krems

a.)  processing the application
b.)  marketing purposes

Details can be found in our current data protection declaration („Student applicant data“, „Rights of data subjects“ und „Marketing“).

What happens after you have submitted your online application?

Once we have received your application, we will check whether it is complete, the details are correct, and the required documents have been uploaded.

If you fulfil our admission requirements, we will invite you to an admission interview.

Admission interview

We would like to get to know you personally:

Your statement of motivation and your essay form the basis for your application interview. Every applicant will be given the opportunity to introduce him- or herself in a face-to-face interview with the degree programme director. In addition to a short personal introduction and your motivation to study, you will discuss the topic selected prior to your interview and the arguments used in the essay, as well as the relevance of this topic for the degree programme.

The admission interview is conducted via video chat and held in English.

After the admission interview, your statement of motivation, the essay and your performance throughout the interview are assessed according to the content statements, the expressive power and the argumentation. Based on this evaluation, the decision on the allocation of study places is made.

More information

Any questions?
We are happy to help!

    Contact the programme director


Chen Yang, MA
Institute Global Impact and Transformation
Details of person

Ingeborg Schober-Ehn
Study Services
Details of person