Four individuals collaboratively working at a table with laptops in a modern setting featuring a red couch. The scene takes place in one of our IMC Lounges.

Become a change agent! After your master degree, you'll lead your company into the future. You'll be able to coordinate and direct digital transformations, no matter what the industry. Because the future is digital.

The part-time master programme focuses on key business administration skills combined with expertise in digitalisation and innovation, as well as the ability to understand, motivate and lead people.


Master of Arts in Business

Organisational form

part-time / 4 semesters / 120 ECTS



Study fee

363.36 EUR

Important dates

Date end

Info for non-EU nationals


The degree programme

Big data, the Internet of things (IoT), artificial intelligence, blockchain technology and robotics: just a few examples of digital innovations that are permanently changing the rules of the game for organisations. Companies must be well-prepared for new challenges in order to ensure their continued success and take advantage of the opportunities offered by digitalisation. Digital transformation shouldn't be a mere buzzword – it has to be reflected in the strategy, structures, corporate culture, and processes of a company.

And this is exactly what our programme prepares you for. As a graduate, you'll act as an ambassador for digitalisation and innovation: you'll see digitalisation as an opportunity and be able to show companies where potential for networking and ongoing development lies.


The master programme equips you with the skills you need to successfully manage digitalisation processes in companies. A powerful combination: business administration, digital and data expertise, and an understanding of the behavioural and sociological aspects of transformation.


In a part-time degree programme, the compatibility with work and private life is one of the most important success factors. And this is exactly where our master programme scores: the courses on Fridays take place virtually from 2 p.m. Saturdays are spent on site in Krems. One block week in each of the first three semesters rounds off the offer.

The new model offers maximum flexibility and is of course also very attractive for all commuters.


The study content of the master programme is optimally tailored to the needs of companies. A special feature of our degree programme is that 1 ECTS per semester (during the first 3 semesters) is available to you for self-directed learning. During this time, you can acquire new skills and set the direction yourself: for example, you can learn a new programming language or familiarise yourself with the latest tools. In this way, you are well prepared for lifelong learning.


Since digitalisation continues to increasingly connect the world, the degree stands out for its strong international focus. Just a few examples: English as the language of instruction, countless international teachers, and the opportunity to spend semester 4 at one of our partner universities.


In addition to the degree, this study programme enables you to receive two Austrian Standards personal certifications , namely the P53-Digital Officer and the P59-Innovation Risk Manager certificate.

Upon completion of the module "Data Analytics", you can earn an extra Tier 1 SAS Academic Specialisation (digital badge) in "Digital Business Analytics".

By the way: At IMC Krems, you also have the opportunity to use our Founders Lab alongside your studies. There, students receive support in implementing their start-up ideas and are guided through potential business ventures. Start-up service at its best!

What makes the degree unique is our holistic approach to digitalisation. On the one hand, critical and analytical thinking are needed to fully exploit existing processes digitally. On the other hand, creativity is called for to explore potential and develop, test and, if necessary, integrate innovative products, services, and business models into the company. We call this process transformation. The challenge lies less in mastering the new digital technologies or ensuring profitability, but rather in bringing the human factor to the fore and incorporating it into the process. Our focus here is on customer-centric innovation using approaches such as design thinking, as well as on human-computer interaction, human development and communications, change and transformation management, leadership, and ethics.

Roger Hage



A formula for success: theoretical knowledge + practical experience

The programme is built on three pillars.

Semesters 1–4

The business basics

The programme starts by covering business basics with a special emphasis on the strategic focus of companies. You'll deal specifically with corporate structure and prepare yourself to assume management tasks in digital settings.

You'll develop a deep understanding of the importance of continuous optimisation processes, but risk management is also an important element of the curriculum. You'll learn how to implement proactive company-wide risk management systems. In addition, you'll become familiar with tools for identifying and assessing risks. This will enable you to objectively assess opportunities and risks and therefore reach sustainable corporate decisions.  Since technologies are developing rapidly, often exponentially, the degree prepares you for future scenarios and building corporate foresight: you learn how to continuously develop forward-looking strategies to prepare for future contingencies.

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Semesters 1–4

The digital core topics

Innovation and digitisation have already become important corporate success factors and will become increasingly decisive for companies in the future.  During your studies you'll learn how to embed these elements in your company and successfully transform existing processes.  After graduation, you'll be excellently positioned to initiate and implement a transition from analogue to digital organisational structures.

In other words, you'll focus on how to make companies sustainable and competitive in the long term. You'll become an expert in ongoing change processes.

Digitalisation is a new discipline and as such is unable to tap into widely proven best practices. You will therefore learn how to experiment creatively and skilfully, and how to make evidence-based decisions, i.e. ones which are well-founded and data driven. You will gradually advance to become a data expert after taking a number of courses in data management and analysis, using statistical and programming tools such as R and SAS.  You won’t be a fully-fledged data scientist or programmer, but by the end of the programme you'll be capable of working effectively alongside IT engineers and data scientists.

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Semesters 1–4

The practical training

A practical focus is more than just a buzzword at IMC Krems; our lecturers share their real-life professional experience. Many of the programme’s lecturers are regarded as experts in the digital economy and can draw on international experience. Problems are discussed and dealt with on the basis of case studies. And the Innovation Lab, a joint project with companies in semester 2, gives students practical insights into the topics they have covered.  You can select your project based on your interests and industry preferences. You can also learn from your fellow students by working in groups, all of whom can share their valuable experience from everyday professional settings.

The 4th semester is dedicated to your master thesis.  Depending on your interests, your thesis will focus on a research-related or practical question. Ideally, your theses will examine a real-life project at your company. You can enhance your expertise on a topic of your choice and pick up valuable input from our experts. In parallel, you have the opportunity to spend a semester abroad at one of our numerous partner universities.

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What can you expect from your studies?

The curriculum provides an overview. Click on the individual courses for further information.


Digital Economy & Business Models

Digital Economy & Business Models36

Self-directed Learning I

Self-directed Learning I: Learning agreement11

Business Statistics and Data Science

Business Statistics & Data Science35

Digital Technologies

Digital Technologies36

Innovation Management

Innovation Management36

Business Analysis & Strategy Development

Business Analysis & Strategy Development36

Because thinking big
is our biggest talent.

Re-imagine the business world! During your studies you'll ask yourself how you can advance digitalisation and innovation in your company.


Digital transformation

Where are we headed in this digitalised world? Get a holistic perspective of new technologies and work out how you can use digitalisation to add value to your business.

Opportunities of digitalisation

Developments such as automation, the sharing economy, prosumerisation – the growing professional demands of users on products and services – as well as smart services are only a few of the trends you'll deal with in depth. You'll also learn how to integrate digital processes into your corporate strategy and how your company can benefit from continuous improvement processes, right through to the development of innovative business processes.

On the other hand, you will also deal with the effects of digitalisation on society and the economy and learn to assess the associated opportunities and risks.

In this regard, you'll discuss how you can ensure that today's workforce meets tomorrow's needs. This means taking a close look at the conditions for digital work. For example, you'll deal with communication and collaboration among remote teams.

The power of data

During your studies you will come to realise the importance of data for the digitalisation of business models. You'll look at data generation, data management, data analysis and data visualisation. But data protection and governance play equally crucial roles, as do the appropriate tools and processes for optimal data management.

Let the data speak to you!  You will naturally also learn how you can benefit from data – especially for Industry 4.0, the Internet of things (IoT) and digital services. Big data analysis and data mining are two terms that come up a lot.

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Innovation 4.0

It will soon become obvious to you that digitalisation and innovation go hand in hand. That's why you'll also deal with the key well-established and new innovation models. You'll learn digital approaches that you can use to increase innovation in your company.

Digitalisation calls for change

You'll deal with organisational forms that promote innovation, and learn to transcend restrictive structures in traditional organisations. During your studies you'll acquire tools that will help you to successfully manage digital change processes. Because professional project and change management are indispensable when implementing a digitalisation process.

You'll also learn how to make the most of internal and external trends and developments. Based on your analyses, you'll design scenarios to ensure that your company is well-positioned to face the future.

Embedding innovation in your corporate culture

You'll also study human-centred innovation – especially design thinking – and learn about the underlying process in depth. Learn to walk the walk - that's the idea! It's a matter of identifying non-intuitive behaviour and reacting to it as quickly as possible with a prototype or a minimum viable product. Then you ask your users for feedback – and incorporate it immediately. This succinct process is then repeated several times.

In the Innovation Lab, you and your classmates will apply this approach to creatively, efficiently and effectively solve problems for real-world projects.

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Career paths

Starting a career or enrolling for a master degree programme? There is a wide range of career paths available to you.

After completing the Digital Business Innovation and Transformation master degree programme, you will have a solid understanding of the unique challenges and key success factors of digital business models.

You'll therefore be able to plan, direct, and drive production, service, or sales digital transformation processes.

After graduation, you'll enjoy new career opportunities because you'll be optimally positioned for an international career. You can use your newly acquired expertise to benefit your current company, or you can switch to another post in Austria or abroad.

Possible career fields after graduation


Our degree programme in focus: Videos that inspire.

Get to know our university from a fresh and personal perspective and learn more about our master degree programme in Digital Business Innovation and Transformation.


Info events

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Thursday 05.12.2024
Highlight Info Event

IMC Info Day 2024

14:00 - 18:00 IMC Campus Krems | Wing G1 Details of event
Wednesday 18.12.2024
Info Event Online

You ask - We answer

15:00 - 16:30 Details of event
Saturday 22.02.2025
Highlight Info Event

IMC Open House 2025

09:00 - 15:00 IMC Campus Krems Details of event

Application and admission

Is our degree programme just what you’re looking for? Here are your next steps!

We’ve put together all the relevant information for you.

What are the admission requirements for master programmes?

To qualify for a master programme, you must have completed a bachelor degree – with a workload of at least 180 ECTS and lasting at least six semesters – in a related subject, or hold an equivalent degree from a recognised Austrian or foreign higher education institution.

If your undergraduate studies are not sufficiently relevant, for instance if you’ve completed a degree in an unrelated subject, your qualifications will be assessed after we have received your completed application.

Accepted previous academic qualifications

What language skills are required for this English language master degree programme?

For this programme, you will need additional proof of your language skills. You have the following options:

Option 1: No additional proof of English proficiency is required if:

  • English is your native language
  • you already uploaded a recognised English language certificate (IELTS Academic Training – at least 7.0 Overall Band Score, Cambridge Certificate – Level C1, Toefl IBT – at least 94) at the time of your online application
  • you have verifiably completed your prior studies either entirely in English or bilingually, with at least 70 ECTS of the courses taught in English.

Please upload your existing English language certificate or proof of English as the language of instruction in your prior studies in the form of a list of English-language courses with ECTS (for example, the Diploma Supplement) at the time of your application.

Option 2: A combination of an existing proof of English language skills from your prior studies and an English test is required if you have completed less than 70 ECTS of the degree programme in English. The following combinations are accepted:

  • Proof of at least a 6-month semester abroad in an English-speaking country together with the EF-SET50
  • English language courses of at least 10 ECTS in your prior degree programme, together with the EF-SET 50

Please upload proof of your semester abroad or the English language courses in your prior degree programme at the time of the application. The EF-SET 50 with the result level C1 can be submitted later until the start of the programme.

Option 3: An English language certificate is required if the aforementioned options 1 or 2 do not apply to you. The following English language certificates are accepted:

  • IELTS Academic Training – minimum 7.0 Overall Band Score
  • Cambridge Certificate – level C1
  • Toefl IBT – minimum 94

You can submit the English language certificate until the start of your studies.

Option 1 and 2 do not apply to you and you still need an English language certificate as proof of your English language skills? Then make sure to contact the British Council regarding your IELTS certificate.


​​​​​​​Do you still need to complete your military or alternative service?  If you’re a male Austrian citizen, we strongly recommend completing your compulsory national service before beginning your studies. This will allow you to finish your degree with no interruptions and start your career without delay afterwards.

Everything revolves around the students on our master degree programmes. That’s why we’d like to get to know you personally.

As part of the online application you will have to write a statement of motivation. Predefined questions about your motivation can be found in the online application. In your answers, which have to be entered in the provided input fields of the online application, you deal with the questions and explain your motivation to study the selected master degree programme

Your statement of motivation and your CV (curriculum vitae) form the basis for your application interview. The admission interview is a one-to-one interview, usually with the degree programme director.

In addition to getting to know you personally, your motives for the master degree programme will be discussed, as well as your professional background and the skillset you have acquired so far. Special attention will be paid to your previous academic and professional experience, your methodological and language skills and your general suitability with regard to your intended master degree programme.

The application interview is held in the language of instruction of the degree programme and can take place online via Microsoft Teams or in presence.

What are the dates for the interview?

There are usually a selection of dates to choose from, with quotas allocated for each date. You can select a date and time slot during the online registration process. We therefore recommend that you complete your application in good time so that you can benefit from the full selection of dates.

Once you have successfully completed your online application, it will be checked for completeness and accuracy. As soon as this process is finished, we will inform you via email and confirm your admission date.

Upcoming interview dates

There are no dates available at the moment.

Application deadline for EU nationals 15/05/2025
Application deadline for non-EU nationals 15/04/2025
No application possible.
Application for the next study year possible from 1 December.

More information

Any questions?
We are happy to help!

Contact our Prospective Student Advisory Service    Contact the programme director


Prof.(FH) Dipl.-Ing. Dr. Roger Hage


Core competencies

Digital Transformation; R Programming

Full profile

Prof.(FH) Mag. Michael Reiner
Professor (FH) Institute Global Impact and Transformation
Details of person
Prof.(FH) Mag. Gerhard Kormann-Hainzl
Professor (FH) Institute Entrepreneurship
Details of person
Prof.(FH) Dipl.-Ing. Dipl.-Wirtsch.-Ing. Michael Bartz
Professor (FH) International Business and Economics
Details of person
Prof.(FH) Dr. Rubén Ruiz Torrubiano
Professor (FH) Institute Digitalisation and Informatics
Details of person
Andrea Lane, PhD
Senior Lecturer Institute Entrepreneurship
Details of person

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